NYC mayor says Trump should call for military action on coronavirus
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio called on President Trump to mobilize the U.S. military to combat the spread of COVID-19 in the United States.
"The order has not been given by the commander in chief because he's not acting like a commander in chief,” De Blasio said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” Friday. “He doesn't know how, and he should get the hell out of the way and let the military do its job."
NYC Mayor de Blasio calls for military action amid coronavirus pandemic:
"The order has not been given by the commander-in-chief because he's not acting like a commander-in-chief. He doesn't know how, and he should get the hell out of the way and let the military do its job."
"The order has not been given by the commander-in-chief because he's not acting like a commander-in-chief. He doesn't know how, and he should get the hell out of the way and let the military do its job."
This was not the first time de Blasio called for military action to combat the virus.
He has previously said military resources should be deployed around the country to build hospitals.
“President Trump has to mobilize the United States military to fully act in the coronavirus situation,” de Blasio said Wednesday on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360."
De Blasio said the military should be sent to New York, Seattle and California, the areas hit hardest by the pandemic.
On Thursday the president announced that he was deploying one of two U.S. Navy hospital ships to New York City. The other is expected to be deployed to Seattle in the coming days.
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